Good things are supposed to come in threes, right? So I´m wondering what can possibly follow on the heels of, first, my Jayhawks stealing the title from Memphis on Clutch Chalmers´s prayer, and second, Harry, which is supposed to arrive at my doorstep just eight brief days later. I have always felt that March, as a month, lasts forever. April, on the other hand, I am always loathe to say goodbye to ... this year especially ...
I am thinking that it would be interesting to "Live Blog" my reading of Harry, to capture the actual, in-the-moment experience, first time through. If any of you would like to take part in this "experiment," I think we could have a really interesting literary dialogue.
I will ask that contributors to Sarvas Park refrain from spoilers, though. I´ll let you know when I´m finished, and then it will be open season in The Park!
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